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Status by 5onov

Status n., L, standing position, rank.
Status is the term that defines the level of trustworthiness or respect within Camarilla Society. It determines the weight with which a Kindred's word should be regarded, as well as the "pecking order" within Kindred society. It is a resume of adjectives that define character, rank, and standing in the Camarilla. Simply put, those with more status can demand respect from, or even ignore, those with less. In cases where there is a dispute between Kindred and the evidence is lacking, Status, and who has more of it, is always the deciding factor in who is right.

Status only pertains to one specific society (Sect). A Camarilla Vampire who learns a Sabbat member's Status, for example, may alter her choice on how to interact with that Vampire, but Status is never accepted or respected across Sect divisions.

Status is listed as a Background for each character with a rating from 0 to 10. Your base status is dependent upon your role in the society and based on the official ranking of Kindred within the Camarilla:
0 = Unreleased Kindred
1 = Acknowledged Kindred
2 = Position Holders (Keeper, Harpy, Sheriff, Scourge) Note: Assistant positions (Steward, Subharpy, Deputy, Hound, Whip, etcetera) do not get this as their starting status.
3 = Seneschal
4 = Primogen
5 = Prince
6 = Archon or Alaster
7 = Justicar
8 = Inner Council

From this starting number, a Kindred can go up or down in status depending on how well they are respected (or feared) by other Kindred. Kindred do not lose a held position just because they lose status; it just means they are not as respected as their position warrants.

Gaining Acknowledged

Until a vampire leaves the Accounting and gains Acknowledgment in the Camarilla, She has no Status. If she is found guilty of even a minor crime, both she and her sire could face destruction.

Once her sire feels comfortable that she has learned the laws and social graces of their society, she may be presented to a Primogen. The Primogen will then decide if this new member of the clan is worthy to represent the clan on her own. If the Primogen rejects the candidate, she will have to work harder under the Accounting to make an impression on her parent clan. In most domains, childer without Status may be destroyed by their Sire without official consequences, as those under the Accounting do not have Hospitality. This varies, of course, according to the decisions of the Prince of each Domain.

When a Primogen finally agrees to the presentation of the neonate, the Childe is brought before the Prince to be Acknowledged as a member of the Camarilla. The Prince may interview the neonate in a manner that will prove her ability to enter the Camarilla as her own person. If the Prince approves, she then Acknowledges the Neonate, and they are considered to possess their first Status Trait.

Once the vampire has her first Status Trait, she is responsible for her own actions and expected to uphold the Traditions of the Camarilla. Acknowledgement is always the first status trait given to a member of the Camarilla. A Kindred is only Acknowledged once. This is not to be confused with the Tradition of Hospitality, which each kindred must receive from the Prince of any Domain they enter. Without Hospitality, kindred cannot claim any of the status they hold while in said Domain.

System: Acknowledgement is usually free upon character introduction into the game. It is inferred that a character has already undergone the rigors of the Accounting. Some players may choose to begin under the Accounting, though. Plus, in-game embraces do happen. So the system for gaining Acknowledgement is quite important.

The Public Nature of Status

Granting and removing of Status Traits: Any announcements of the granting or loss of Status must be made publicly, either at an assembled gathering or in an post in The Danse Macabre. This must always be logged with the Harpy of the Domain.

If the motives for the granting/stripping of Status Traits come into question, the Harpy may initiate an investigation. The Harpy has the power to strip the granted Status Trait as well as a Status Trait from the one who has granted it, if the exchange is viewed as a scandal.

Loaning of Status Traits: Camarilla Kindred who loan Status Traits to assist their allies must lodge their willingness to publicly back another with their Domain’'s Harpy. As such, Status loans become public knowledge and cannot be altered once the Harpy records them.

Loaning Status

There are two ways to loan Status to another kindred. In the first, a kindred may loan a single trait of her Status to another to show favor or to empower her for a period of time. This Status Trait is loaned indefinitely and is returned to the original owner immediately when she wants it back (or if the character dies). The second way to loan a Status Trait is to bestow a temporary trait upon another Kindred for a specific task. This method also requires that it be returned immediately if the original possessor demands it, but in this case, it also returns to her when the task is completed.

In the event that a Kindred acts in a scandalous manner, and she is in possession of loaned Status, the negative view of her actions reflects on those who have loaned her Status as well. If a kindred is loaned a Status Trait through a favor by an Elder, and the younger kindred is found to have broken a law or acted in some scandalous measure, the Elder is now in danger of losing the Status Trait that he had loaned.

Note: A Kindred may loan only one Status Trait to any given Vampire, though she may loan Status Traits to multiple Kindred as long as she has Personal Status to loan. (This includes the Mentor Background. Despite what the book may say on that one page, everything else printed everywhere contradicts it. Your mentor, regardless of how powerful, may only lend a single trait of status).

Loaning of Status does not affect the number of Permanent Status Traits a character possesses (or adds to their Social Challenges).

The Harpy's Status

Upon being appointed by the Primogen Council, a Harpy is shown support with a Loaned Status Trait from each of the Primogen. The Primogen, in turn, list this Trait as loaned so long as they support the Harpy. Though these Traits are Loaned Status, they may not be used by the Harpy when comparing Status Traits in a regular (personal) debate. The Harpy can call upon the Traits when performing Harpy business (i.e. stripping status, mediating a boon dispute, etc.). Should a Primogen feel that the Harpy is not properly doing her job, they can temporarily, or in extreme cases, permanently remove their support from her. In this situation, the Harpy would not be able to call upon that Primogen'’s status during the course of her business. A Harpy should be especially careful not to incur the wrath of the Primogen Council while in her position, as they can take away her position as easily as they gave it to her. There is a fine line between a good Harpy and a power hungry Harpy. The Harpy provides a considerable amount power to the Primogen, and vice versa.


Most of the positions can name assistants to help them perform their functions. They do so simply by the loan of a temporary Status Trait. Harpies have Subharpies; Keepers have Stewards; Sheriffs have Deputies; Scourges have Hounds; and Primogen have Whips.

If the position holder is in disposed or out of the area, their assistant acts in their stead and gains illusionary status to show their empowerment.

When the position holder is in disposed or out of the area:
Steward, Deputy, & Hound act as if they had +1 Status Trait.
Whips act as if they had +3 Status Traits.

In addition, if the Prince is in disposed or out of the area:
Seneschal acts as if he/she has +2 Status Traits.

These illusionary additions do add to the individual's Social Traits when dealing with other Kindred of the same sect.


Ghouls are nothing more than property. They are servants who perform functions that are usually below the station of most Kindred. When a Prince recognizes a ghoul in her Domain, that ghoul carries the Status of Recognized (as per Liber des Goules), which is similar to a Status Trait but only for the purpose of confirming presentation to the Prince. It may not be used in any other manner related to Status, and does not make the ghoul an Acknowledged member of the Camarilla.


Anarchs can only possess the Camarilla Status Trait of Accepted. Anarchs are only required to recognize the Acknowledged Camarilla Status Trait.

Granting Status

Those who may grant Status by the power of their office may only do so for acts that occur within their own Domain or to Kindred who reside there. A Justicar's power is absolute, globally. Therefore, they are exempt from this limitation.

Justicars may grant permanent Status to any Kindred at a cost of one Temporary Status Trait for each permanent Status Trait awarded. If a Justicar wishes to grant more than five permanent Status Traits in a single session, the sixth and subsequent Status will cost the Justicar Permanent Status.

Princes may grant Permanent Status to any Kindred at a cost of one Temporary Status Trait for each Permanent Status Trait awarded. It does not cost the Prince anything to award the Status Trait of Acknowledged to any Kindred. A Prince may award more than one Permanent Status to a particular individual per story (chronicle).

Seneschals may grant Permanent Status to any Kindred at a cost of one Temporary Status Trait for each Permanent Status Trait awarded. The Seneschal can only do this when the Prince is absent. The decision may be revoked by the Prince, at no cost, if she chooses to do so. Regardless of the Prince's absence, an individual can only receive one Permanent Status per story (chronicle) from a Seneschal.

Primogen may award Permanent Status to a member of their clan at the cost of one Temporary Status Trait for each Status awarded. An individual can only receive one Permanent Status per story (chronicle) from a Primogen (or Whip acting in the Primogen's stead).

Whips may award Permanent Status to a member of their clan at the cost of one Temporary Status Trait for each Status awarded, but can only do this when their clan Primogen is absent. The decision may be revoked by the Primogen, at no cost, if she chooses to do so. Regardless of the Primogen's absence, an individual can only receive one Permanent Status per story (chronicle) from a Primogen (or Whip acting in the Primogen's stead).

Harpies may restore Status they have stripped at the cost of one Temporary Status Trait per Trait restored.

Any Kindred may grant a Permanent Status Trait to another Kindred if they are of the same clan and they have more than double the Permanent Status of the individual receiving the Status. This costs the Kindred doing the granting one Temporary Status and the award must be made publicly. This is the only manner in which a Kindred can grant Status to someone in another Domain. Thus, even if a Prince (for example) wishes to grant Status to someone in another Domain, he/she must belong to the same clan and possess more than double the Permanent Status of the individual receiving the Status grant. Some Princes may consider this a Breach of Domain, so Kindred choosing to exercise this option are warned to tread carefully.

Stripping Status

Those who may strip Status by the power of their office may only do so for acts that occur within their own Domain or to Kindred who reside there. A Justicar's power is absolute, globally. Therefore, they are exempt from this limitation. Archons and Alastors are able to strip Status if a Kindred is impeding their investigations, no matter what Domain they are in.

Note: Acknowledgement is the last Status Trait that can be stripped from a Kindred. All other Status must be removed, either permanently or temporarily, in order to then remove Acknowledgement. Some Princes may consider stripping Acknowledgement a Breach of Domain, so Kindred choosing to exercise this option are warned to tread carefully. Acknowledgement is the ONLY Personal Status Trait that has strictures on being stripped. A Status Trait issued by a Justicar or Archon can be stripped by a Prince or Primogen as easy as any other (and often are).

Justicars may remove Status from any Kindred at a cost of one Temporary Status Trait for each Permanent Status Trait removed.

Archons may remove a permanent Status from any Kindred attempting to interfere with their investigation or a sentence they have pronounced. This removal costs nothing and only a Justicar can reverse it.

Alastors may remove Status from any Kindred attempting to hinder her official mission. This removal costs nothing.

Princes can remove a Permanent Status Trait from any Kindred at the cost of one Temporary Status Trait per Trait removed.

Seneschals may remove Status from any Kindred at a cost of one Temporary Status Trait per Trait removed. The Seneschal can only do this when the Prince is absent. The decision may be revoked by the Prince, at no cost, if she chooses to do so.

Primogen may remove Status from a member of her own clan at the cost of one Temporary Status Trait for each Status Trait removed.

Whips may remove Status from a member of her own clan at the cost of one Temporary Status Trait for each Status Trait removed, but can only do this when their clan Primogen is absent. The decision may be revoked by the Primogen, at no cost, if she chooses to do so.

The Primogen Council may remove one Status Trait from their Prince by collectively expending Permanent Status Traits equal to the Prince’s Permanent Status Traits.

Harpies may remove one Permanent Status Trait from any Kindred who has backed out of a boon or been involved in a scandal. This removal costs nothing, although there has to be some truth to the scandal. The Harpy must produce evidence at a gathering of Kindred when the Status Trait is removed.

Keepers of Elysium may remove a Permanent Status Trait from any Kindred they catch Breaking the Masquerade within their own city. This removal costs nothing.

Sheriffs may remove one Permanent Status Trait from anyone who refuses to accompany them for questioning or judgment while they are within their own city. This removal costs nothing.

Scourges may remove a Permanent Status Trait from any Kindred that is discovered to be harboring or abetting Vampires created without the Prince’s permission or who have not been presented formally to the Prince of the Domain. This removal costs nothing. However, a Prince can return the stripped Status should she be unconvinced or find insufficient evidence to back the Scourge’s decision.

Any Kindred of higher Status may remove Permanent Status from Kindred of lower Status at the cost of one Permanent Status Trait per Trait removed. Status may be temporarily removed in the same fashion by expending Temporary Status Traits. These are the only manners in which a Kindred can remove Status from someone in another Domain. Thus, if a Prince (for example) wishes to remove Status from someone in another Domain, he/she must have more Permanent Status then the individual being stripped, and permanently sacrifice one of his/her own. Some Princes may consider this a breach of Domain, so kindred choosing to exercise this option are warned to tread carefully.

A Clan may remove one Status Trait from a Primogen of the same clan by collectively expending Permanent Status Traits equal to the elder’s Permanent Status Traits.

Status Modifiers

The Merits: Prestigious Sire and Reputation act as “phantom” Status. They may not be bid or spent. The Kindred with either of these Merits is simply perceived as having one higher Status than she actually does, and will garner more respect in social situations. These “phantom” Status do not get logged with the Harpy, nor are they considered to be Personal Status Traits. No Harpy can strip these Merits, but they can be lost through game play should a Kindred fail to keep up her Reputation, or should her Sire fall into disgrace (storyteller discretion).

Conversely, the Flaws Infamous Sire and Notoriety act as “phantom” negative Status. No Status award can negate these Flaws, but they can be bought off through role-play should the Sire redeem herself, or should the negative reputation become redeemed (storyteller discretion).

These “phantom” Status Traits do not get logged with the Harpy, nor do they decrease the actual number of a Kindred’s Personal Status Traits. But a Vampire with these Flaws will be treated as if they had less Status than they actually hold, and other Kindred will not be expected to respect the Status, which is reduced by either flaw. Vampires with these Flaws would list their Status the same as detailed above for Reputation or Prestigious Sire, but as negative numbers, which lessen their Perceived Status.

Using Status

When dealing with another Camarilla Kindred, the character automatically adds their Status on any Social Challenge (including Disciplines unless specifically deemed inappropriate by the storyteller).

Ignoring Status

When faced with another Camarilla Kindred's Status, a character can choose to ignore their Status prior to the Social Challenge. Ignoring Status is considered a scandal and can have adverse effects.

Who You Know

Whether you have heard of a specific individual in a sect is directly related to Status and Sect Lore. This does not give you specific information about that individual other than that you know the name and does not give you their specific level of Status (that is still a function of the Politics Ability).

If someone has a 10 in Status, anyone with a 1 in that Sect Lore has at least heard their name. Please refer to the chart below for how Status and Sect Lore relate.

Note: This only applies to individuals outside of the residence city. Within the residence city, all members of a city have the potential to know the Status of the other members of the city.

Sect Lore Status
If you have a Sect Lore of 1 you have heard of anyone with Status of 10.
If you have a Sect Lore of 2 you have heard of anyone with Status of 9+.
If you have a Sect Lore of 3 you have heard of anyone with Status of 8+.
If you have a Sect Lore of 4 you have heard of anyone with Status of 7+.
If you have a Sect Lore of 5 you have heard of anyone with Status of 6+.
If you have a Sect Lore of 6 you have heard of anyone with Status of 5+.
If you have a Sect Lore of 7 you have heard of anyone with Status of 4+.
If you have a Sect Lore of 8 you have heard of anyone with Status of 3+.
If you have a Sect Lore of 9 you have heard of anyone with Status of 2+.
If you have a Sect Lore of 10 you have heard of anyone with Status of 1+.

Status Cap

Status is capped at 10.


This Background is available to all Kindred characters with stipulations.

  • Anarchs may never possess more than 1 Trait of Status (Camarilla) and never recognize more than 1 Trait of Status (Camarilla).
  • Camarilla Ghouls may never possess more than 1 Trait of Status (Camarilla) but must recognize all Traits of Status (Camarilla).
  • Only Anarchs may possess Status (Anarch).
  • Only Sabbat may possess Status (Sabbat).
  • Infiltrators can obtain Status for the sect they are infiltrating, but this Status is illusionary and immediately disappears when the infiltration is found out.